Setting up Virtual Learning Environment

Author- Gopa Dutta

This pandemic situation where millions of people has been affected by COVID-19, life is not normal for most of us. In China where the virus was first detected has spread throughout the world killing lakhs of people. No vaccine has been invented till now, though many countries have tried to find a cure to it. Clinical trails are still been carried out. In that case the best thing a person can do is to:

Wash hands regularly with soap or sanitizer

Wear mask while stepping out

Avoid going to crowded places

Maintain social distance

Stay home and Do not travel unless its is very necessary

As a result working people has been asked to work from home, shopping malls and movies theaters has been shut down and schools declared early summer holidays. Nation wide lock-down was observed, where only essentials services were allowed.

It’s been over 3 months and there is no certainty of when things will become normal. Some offices have opened with 50% attendance and some has offered Work From Home facility.  As educational institutions continues to shut down schools have adopted to teach their students through virtual learning. Activities are planned by school keeping in mind resources available at home in this present situation.

Setting up a virtual learning environment is very important for students as it will keep them focused, motivates them to read and learn and keeps them interested throughout the learning period. Lets see how to set up a virtual learning environment:

Setting up the Desk: A proper Desk or Table should be set up with all the necessary supplies like pen, pencil, books and other required items. Other crafts items can be kept at a hands space so that the child doesn’t have to search for it somewhere else.

The Area: Make sure the area is well ventilated and there is enough lightening throughout. And the temperature is also comfortable. The area set for learning can be at the bedroom, dinning hall or study room but should be a comfortable area. Keep distraction is at bay: students can easily loose their concentration if there is distraction. E.g. there should not be TV or music running in the background.

Check your net connection and Camera set up: Since learning is taking place virtually it is necessary to make sure before joining the class that Internet connection and the camera is set properly. Or if it requires recharge of data package it should be done before the start of the class.

Eat Something: Before the class begins do eat something and keep a bottle of water near by. One cannot learn in an empty stomach.

Follow a timetable: Always follow a timetable right from getting up in the morning at a particular time and completing other tasks before  the class starts so your and other family members routine doesn’t get hampered. It is also advisable to wear school uniform to get the feel as you are in the classroom itself.

If a child follows these points virtual learning can be a great experience.

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